Published by Atmosphere Press on August 25, 2022

Saying goodbye to her eighth-grade friends was bad enough. But moving into an abandoned house in a run-down town on the Maine seacoast? And the locals say it’s haunted? You’ve got to be kidding.Knowing nobody in her new surroundings, Nicole Kelly is befriended by another outcast, a classmate fiercely proud of her Native American heritage. Rejecting prejudice and superstition in favor of science and logic, the girls team up to search for a legendary treasure. They apply math and science lessons in centuries-old tunnels and on the Atlantic Ocean. But this is no game. Someone else, armed not with theorems but rather an assassin’s knife, is also searching, and watching their every move. The girls think they are hunters. In fact, they are the prey.


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"Nicole stared at the house. Partly hidden behind the bushes and trees, a covered porch stretched across the front. But instead of a railing, black chains draped from the battered, wooden posts. The front door was cloaked in shadow but orange sparks shot from the chimney at the end of the house. At the top of the house, a tiled roof looked like a reptile’s scales with two round windows that reminded Nicole of dead eyes. Between them, a weather-beaten figure leaned forward, staring grimly. Her left hand pointed straight ahead. Nicole gaped at the gloomy house before her. 'We’re going to live . . . there?'"

“'Yes,' Mr. Morgan replied. 'I think there’ve always been some wild dogs in the woods. Strays or abandoned pets, I suppose. You hear them barking sometimes. Some of them are pretty big and can take down a deer. I think Dolores fed some of them. Maybe she thought she could turn them into pets but I wouldn’t want to run into one of those dogs out there.'"

"So beautiful. So dangerous."

About the Author

For many years, Mark Lance was a labor reporter for socialist newspapers, filing highly partisan stories from picket lines across the country. The Weber House is his first book. He is currently working on a historical novel about the year 1877.
For decades, Lance was an autoworker in Detroit, refinery worker in Texas, and merchant seaman sailing from Great Lakes and East Coast Ports. In between were stints driving a cab in Boston, bartending in Greenwich Village, and as the world’s worst waiter in various cities. He retired from industry as an electrician in New Jersey and currently teaches math in a GED program in New York City. Click here to read more.

“ . . . one of those stories that when you start reading, you don’t want to put down. Two young girls become close friends despite coming from different ways of life. I highly recommend this book . . .an excellent read . . . very enjoyable.”Chief Richard MenardMissisquoi Abenaki Nation “Mark Lance has breathed fresh life into the buried treasure yarn with two appealing girlfriends, a newbie in town and a Native American, dealing with a haunted house, school bullies and a dangerous modern pirate in a fast-paced thriller that leads to a cinematic conclusion. Great fun.”Robert LipsyteAuthor of many fiction and non-fiction books for adult and young readers. His numerous awards include the Meyer Berger Award for Distinguished Reporting (Columbia Journalism School), the ALAN Award for Contributions to Young Adult Literature and the Margaret A. Edwards Award for Lifetime Achievement (American Library Association).


This middle grade book is a perfect mystery for teens and adults. (I am 64.) It followed my credo..."Just tell me a good story."
This book had it all; atmosphere (I could hear the waves splashing), likeable characters, history, a mystery and oh, that House!
Highly recommend.


I came across a video on YouTube about "The Weber House," and it caught my attention. I was curious to know more about it. It's a great read! I highly recommend this book. The story focuses on friendship and courage, with an absorbing setting, characters, and plot. I look forward to reading more books by this author in the future.

Edward Carter

As I read Mark Lance’s intriguing mystery for young readers, I was struck by his ability to bring together all of the elements of not only a good mystery, but of unlikely friendships, trusting one’s inner voice, science, and daring adventure! As a grandma, this was the perfect gift for my two pre-teen grandchildren. There is a twist at the end that I won’t disclose, but it is truly a cliff hanger. This book encourages critical thinking, as the young heroines are faced with real world decisions and outcomes.
I was so struck by the visual detail. I kept imagining it cinematically. The coast of Maine, caves, treasure maps, haunted houses, oh my!

Lawrence Katz

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